Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Passion for Relationships! Calling all Moms!

Don't we all have an inner desire to connect with other people-especially those at the same stages of life?

I know this has been a passion of mine ever since I can remember-

to connect with others-to know what they are passionate about-to know what makes them laugh-to know what makes them cry.

So, I have recently entered a "new stage," I guess you could say-mommy hood! I am loving it! I feel so incredibly blessed that I get to be a "stay-at-home" mom. So many people can't/don't want to do that these days, so I am so blessed to have this opportunity to.

I can see how a stay-at-home mom can become disconnected from the outside world, though. I can see how easy it might be to get caught up in the day-to-day activities of life, and taking care of your child. I'm not saying that that is wrong, but I think it can become all-consuming if you let it.

I know I fall victim to being "lukewarm" sometimes. Lukewarm about my lot in life, lukewarm about my relationships, lukewarm about what my purpose is, lukewarm about my spirituality. (this is the scariest of all!)

Thankfully I serve a God full of grace and mercy that drags me back from these times of being "lukewarm." I am at that point now. I don't want to become a "lukewarm" mother or wife. I want to live with purpose and passion to bring Glory to God in all that I do, in whatever I do.

Some days, that is choosing to have joy when I'm listening to my baby cry
Some days, that is choosing to have a positive attitude towards my husband when he comes home from work, even if I have had a long day
Some days, that is choosing to be intentional about building better relationships
Some days, that is choosing to spend time with the Lord first, before the list of chores
Some days, that is spending time just "being" with my daughter, leaving my "to-do" list for a later time

It has been on my heart for some time now to be a part of a Mom's group. To connect with other moms in a relaxed setting. To connect with other women about real, every day life. To connect with other women's children.

So many ideas are running through my head, so I have decided to do something about it. With the Lord's help, I hope to start:

Mom's Morning Out!

My vision: To be intentional about building relationships with other women and children!

My mission: To reach the mom's of the Palouse area. To provide opportunities for mom's to connect with other mom's. To provide places for mom's to bring their children to connect with other children. To learn the hearts of these moms!

So, we set out on this adventure. This Tuesday, February 1st at 10:00am, at the McDonald's (by Arby's in Pullman), we will meet for the first time. I want to hear their thoughts. I want to hear what they want to get out of this. I want to see what might come of this time of fellowship.

So, if you have kids-come-bring them. Take a giant leap of faith, and share this with someone you know that might need/want to be a part of something like this.

Together, we can encourage each other and work at changing the world, one little heartbeat at a time!

1 comment:

  1. Isa. 32:9-10
    "You women who are so complacent, rise up and listen to me; you daughters who feel secure, hear what I have to say! In little more than a year you who feel secure will tremble; the grape harvest will fail, and the harvest of fruit will not come."
    I have been doing a study in Isaiah for BSF and have just really been hammered by God not to become complacent. ESPECIALLY in my walk with him and what he is calling on me for (which ultimately points to the hearts of people). I don't want God to look at me as he would a book and place me on the shelf because I am not usable anymore, because I am complacent. Good luck with your group Rachel. I would totally come if I wasn't 3+ hours away :) Here's to not being shelved!
