If you haven't heard of Ann Voskamp, it is well worth your time to check her out. Here is a link to her blog: http://www.aholyexperience.com/
Today she talked about how there is and always will be more grace to have. I was reminded of a verse I actually based a devotional on that I shared a couple years ago.
John 1:16 says, "For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace."
Another version says "Because he was full of grace and truth, from Him we all received one gift after another."
This gift is GRACE. Something not one of us deserves, yet something we are delt. Over and over again. It doesn't stop.
If He can save me so esaily, then why don't I rest my weary head in His hands? Why do I think I can get through it if I just congure up enough strength to get through the next task? I can do this until I have nothing left. Why do I wait until I reach this point?
I can believe that he gives this grace, but I don't really start living until I believe in this grace alone. I must rest my weary heart and take hold of this glorious grace.
How do I get through the every day? What happens when I feel like this grace has run out? It won't. That is the beauty. More grace will be given in the moment that it is needed.
More grace will be given.
Grace upon Grace.
One gift after another.
There will always be...
-Piles of laundrey that don't get folded
-Moments of impatience with my 3 year old
-Arguments with my husband
-Hurtful words exchanged
-Meals that have to be cooked
-Dishes that have to be done
-Children demanding every ounce of energy I have (and even onces I don't)
-Children's naps being too short
-Sickness, sickness and more sickness
-Feelings of being trapped in my own home with the incredible blessings I have been given
-Feelings of guilt for having those feelings of being trapped
-A questioning of my purpose during this season
-People needing help
-People who let me down
-The horrible beast of expectations on myself and others
-The many times when I fall short
-Bills to be paid
-Not enough sleep
-Did I mention sickness?
Yet more grace will be given each day. Just when I don't have the strength in me. I can fall into his arms of grace.
"He gives strength to the weary, and to him who lacks might He increases power. Though youth (Rachel) grow weary and tired and vigorous young men (Rachel) stumble badly, yet those (Rachel) who wait for the Lord will gain new strength; they (Rachel) will mount up with wings like eagles, they (Rachel) will run and not get tired, they (Rachel) will walk and not become weary."
Isaiah 40:29-31
I'm so thankful for this grace. I'll be honest. It has been a long winter for me. In many of the ways expressed above. Yet I have this Grace. Given so freely. Why would I not simply accept it?
Thank you for this Grace. This gift. Poured out over and over and over again!